I was listening to a podcast today. A comment made in it was quite interesting...and from my perspective needed further investigation...and thought...
The speaker noted that 96% of the people in the U.S.A. believe in God or in the existence of God. That is an interesting statistic...given the fact that we censor the discussions of God under the excuse of political correctness and relegate the discussions to Sunday mornings and a small group of trusted friends.
I am finding that the true 21st century philosopher can not be restricted by political correctness...
Political Correctness (PC) dulls the edge that the 21st century philosophy needs. Under the guise of hurting people's feelings or insulting them...we hush the critical elements required to face the truth...
That does not mean that the 21st century philosopher has the license to promote prejudice or racism or use it as a tool to put people down.
When I think through PC...it is an attack on our constitutional right to free speech...and we have fallen for it and hush each other when someone talks about political affiliation...or religious beliefs...
Our founding fathers were anything but politically correct...
They faced the facts...it was a time that honor and truth was held in the highest regard! Swearing on the Bible in a court of law meant something...it was their truth...the whole truth and nothing but the truth...It was not up to the courts to decide whether that truth was a fact...but the perception of the majority...the majority guided truth and not some special interest group that was afraid to have its feelings hurt...
How things have changed...
Now a person can sit on a witness stand and lie...and not even face charges for perjury! I believe that anyone lying on a witness stand, should not only be convicted of the crime that they are guilty of...but face a stricter penalty for lying! Consider what that would mean...You are found guilty of murder in the first degree...as a result you face 25 years in a state penitentary...for lying on the stand...you are sentenced to life...with no chance of parole...and I have removed all opportunities for appeal...
Now that puts the value of honesty in a new perspective...
BUT...BUT...what if I hurt someone's feelings? Isn't that a good reason for lying?
There is no excuse for lying...especially Political Correctness...
PC has done as much harm to this society as "Stranger Danger" has done to our children...
"Stranger Danger?"
A nation-wide effort to protect our children from "strangers" who kidnap and rape our youth...the fact of the matter is that strangers are involved in less than 1% of the cases of injury and molestation!
Stranger Danger has provided a cover for acquaintences and family members to operate...that cover is sick and does not give them license...only protective cover...for their demented ways!
Political Correctness is another cover in which truth and growth is being supressed...and just as harmful to our society...perhaps more so...
I must admit that I allowed myself to be "gagged" by political correctness. I took it to an extreme... I was hushed far too often by the fears of retribution...and the chance that I would hurt someone's feelings...or offend them...or even worse...open their eyes to the truth...having them realize the stupidity of their position...
I believe in God! I believe that the Biblical principals are firm and solid...
I have many times veered my discussions away from the talk of God and Jesus because I was afraid of offending someone...
I may offend my Moslem friends who recognize Jesus as an earlier prophet...or my Jewish friends who rejected him...or my athesist friends who sit in a minority...
96% of the USA believes in God in one form or another...let us talk about what He looks like. I bet that we would be quite amazed that He has the same address...in every religion...what a great place to start!
Remember that the things that we have most in common are the differences between us! PC recognizes those differences and treats them as such...
Talk about a segregation effort...
Talk about aparthied...
The people who promote PC are the same who are afraid to face facts in a competitive arena...
It will be those discussions about Him that will clarify and drive to the truth...but they must be out in the open without fear that we are breaking some stupid convention called PC...how foolish!
I have yet to see someone "fined," "taxed," or "improsoned" for being politically incorrect...
Avoiding those fierce conversations, under the guise of PC is wrong...and will accomplish nothing...in fact it makes the chasm between all of us wider...yelling into that canyon will not produce echoes...only whispers from the fearful and intellectually weak. It is the whimps who afraid to face the truth of who they are...and stand with pride, who press for political correctness.
The 21st century philosopher can not be afraid to yell across the chasm...there are others on the opposite side waiting to hear! AND the echos will become music!
Where is he or she?
The world is waiting!