Sunday, April 25, 2010

The 21st Century Philosopher - Simplicity and Elegance

We live in a complex world.  There is no denying that.  What I realize is that the complexity is not part of nature, but part of human nature...and of our own doing.

Complexity increases the probability of failure...and we can come to the logical conclusion that we are building failure into our society.

In my search for the 21st Century Philosopher, I have looked for a "back to basics" proponent that drills to the essence of the issues and cuts away all of the distractions from reality...

Isn't that what a true philosopher is all about?

There is a lesson that can be heard from our Nation's Founding Fathers...that, if you follow the echos back to their source...was in our entry level Political Philosophy...or Ethics courses...

It was a quiet sound...that should have been significantly louder...perhaps we would not be in the fray...if it were louder!

Our "Founders" recognized the importance of simplicity and built our government upon that...over time our society has lost touch with that concept...

Let me explain...with a few examples...

Ensuring individual liberty and freedom is at the foundation of our government...but this is a double-edged sword...

There is a temptation to become moralistic and judgemental...(this is the serrated side) while we promote those basic human rights...

We can not stand in moral judgement or contempt...and simply pursue Life...liberty and the pursuit of happiness...

Our Founders differentiated between society's right to liberty and freedom and the individual's right...


Through our legal system...

They established a legal system based upon taxation...not moral or ethical judgement...

They subtly recognized that there is no place for morality or ethics within the government...

This is judgemental and it will lead to the destruction of the society...

Morality and ethics is an individual concern...

You can do whatever you think will make you happy...there is simply a price for your doing that here...

We will not judge whether it makes you a good person or a bad person...for what you have done...

That is the separation of church and state...plain and

"Church" the epitomy of and all about morality and ethics...ultimately does not have to be an organized religion to be a church...simply the exercise of judgement...on ethical or moral grounds...

Prayer in church can be long as one does not pass moral judgement on those who refuse to pray...

Upholding a society's liberty and freedom...means that everyone is free to do anything that they want to do...

But how do you reconcile a society's right and an individual right?

Through the cost/benefit equation!

Through taxation...
A person is free to do anything that they want to long as they are willing to pay the price (Tax) for their decisions and behaviors!

There is no judgement of "rightness" or "wrongness" ethical or moral judgement...just a cost...

People can steal, or lie or murder in our society...whatever makes you long as they weigh the cost related to the benefits of doing so...and are willing to pay the price...

AGAIN...If it makes them happy (the pursuit of happiness) they can do it in our society...but they have to pay the tax...

Motive...doesn't matter...motive precludes judgement...

It is simply a matter of..."Showing that a person did something beyond a reasonable doubt..."

Why doesn't matter...REALLY!  Did you do it?  Then, here is the cost...

It doesn't make then any lesser for doing so...that would be a judgement...and we do not need that!

Laws that were passed within our society based on moral or ethical stances have failed...or have become extremely difficult to enforce...they are complicated and based upon many exceptions...

They have become the complexity...that can lead to destruction...that is sad...

Our founding fathers recognized that ethics and morality are poison to governments and worked diligently to establish a government free from judgement!

We have misused it...

Not just over time...but from the start!
Very early in our history...we got distracted and enacted laws that were ethical and attempt to restrict behavior that some were not willing to stop...

This caused a whisky rebellion...

And it wasn't that the government stood in judgement...they simply enacted a tax without representation!

Later...prohibition became a moralistic law...that quickly lead to review...they learned their lesson...

Over time many laws have been enacted that run counter to our foundation and rather than saying "whoops"

...We piled exception after exception...allowing the courts to decide...rather than just saying we made a mistake! and simply starting over...

The Supreme Court exists to uphold the judge whether a law is moralistic...been enacted with representation...and aligns with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...

The judges' jobs could be VERY easy if we went back to basics...and our law books could be significantly reduced...

The 21st Century Philosopher needs to be a vocal advocate of basics and simplicity...and a person listened to by our government...

America is a shining light in the often dark, global was and remains the "Grand Experiment"

We do not need to stand in judgement...

Just decide what the cost related to certain behaviors...both internally and externally to our society, tax accordingly and stick to the is about enforcement...not enactment!

We do not have to make moralistic or ethical judgements on another country or individual...just a simple...if you want to do is OK...but the cost is...and then we do whatever we have to to ensure that the cost is paid!

You can attack us if you want...but the price that you pay is...

I realize that this is splitting hairs...and our society appears to be doing this...

I am simply looking for the philosopher who sees this and does something to help us go back to what made us a machine!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Understanding Time (General and Quantum Perspectives)

We move through life at a rate of 1 second per second (1sec/sec).

This is an interesting statement when taken in the context of the theory of relativity...

Most people can not grasp the significance of E=MC2.  It turned scientific thought on its end!

The speed of light is a constant...which means that if you were traveling at the speed of light and turned on a would still work...


Because the world around light varies!  Distance, time, mass adjust accordingly.

Traditional physics held many of those components constant...meaning that they didn't change...

The theory of relativity and its confirmation tests says that the world around it adjusts to the light perspective...this is mind boggling...

This is most evident in the "warping" of space...

As light approaches a slows...but because it is a constant...the distance traveled actually maintain the constant that the stationary calculation still appears the same...

Early tests using an eclipse showed that the light from stars bent...based on the apparent change in the stars' positions.

The comparison of two atomic clocks one moving and one stationary...showed that time actually changed...

Radio waves bounced off of the planet Mercury, as it moved behind the sun (in relationship to the earth) and the subsequent calculation of its orbit...showed that the planet's orbit appeared to jump outward...significantly...the change in apparent distance to account for the speed change...

Every time the theory is put to the shows it is accurately describing the general nature of the universe...

Yet time intrigues me...

If the world acts on a continuum with the speed of light as the one has the same time...except two individuals standing perfectly motionless next to each other...and then there still is a small difference relative to the rotation of the earth...

Enter quantum physics...

it is the world of probabilities...and not of continuum...

it is a world of sub-atomic particles...that are temporal (existing for a moment and then gone)...

I find this an interesting thought...

Perhaps this puts time and reality into better perspective...

There have been many different attempts to put time and reality into perspective...

There have been the theories on multiple dimensions...

and strings...

and time travel...

But in quantum physics...reality exists for but a moment...

Think about the future...there are endless possibilities...probabilities...

Reality exists as a momentary accumulation of the quantum particles in a specific "probability"

And then it is gone (Past)

The future is all of the possibilities...but has no substance or reality...

The present is the combination and accumulation of those particles for that brief moment that quarks exist...

and then they fade and disappear...and become nothing more than a memory...

What this means that time travel is not possible...

Going back into the past...can't happen...the particles are gone...

The future...the particles have not yet combined and accumulated...

The significance it that what matters is the present...and the probabilities of the future...

This can be had with complete non-contradiction with the general theory of relativity...and answers the issues that arise relative to time and space...

Time and space...another interesting concept...

I love the thought of "warp"...

Mass warps the universe...but I believe that it is meager in comparison to the warp that occurs at the speed of light...

Although I am hypothesizing...

There is no distance at the speed of light...hence the universe become planer...perhaps better said...a point!

Transversing the entire universe with light takes no time at all...because there is no distance...

Mass and apparent gravity...are detractors from the real cool things!

I have to think about this...but I am considering that the "Big Bang" may not have been a "Bang" at all!

We have put the Big Bang in a mass and acceleration perspective...that is what a Bang is all about...

The twist may have been simply the interjection of light into the equation...or time...

And then what appeared is apparent distances...and the apparent fact that all of the stars are moving outward...(red shift)

And an apparent size of the universe of 15 billion light-years...when if fact...

There is no distance at all...

Just a rate of travel of 1sec/sec...
