I think that we have happened upon a topic that is worth pursuing!
I have been inundated with and replying to numerous email responses to the original "pi" blog...
...not since my discussion of the effects that "gravitational lensing" potentially has on the entire science of astronomy and cosmology have I been so challenged...(if you are interested in reviewing those thoughts...let me know and I'll either dig them up or rewrite them) The interesting thing is...if you accept gravitational lensing...then you have admitted that all observational astronomy may be an illusion...and the universe can be created by as few as 5 stars! Everything we see may be simply the same star over and over!
The same issue holds true in mathematics...
But allow me to regress...
The Epicureans (I believe) were known for taking a single concept and building consistent, coherent and non-contradictory epistemological scheme around it. They believed that the world's truths can be found in those 3-C's. They were on to something...but many of the epistemologies although perfect in describing the world were based on an initial flawed concept...(look at how they described retrograde motion of planets...by having them circle (spiral) in their orbits...the basic problem that they had was...that the earth was not at the center of the universe...yet their schema worked perfectly!
People that disagreed with their perfect definitions were labeled heretics...which then carried into this age! (more to come on that subject)
In the previous article...I noted that "pi" should be a finite number...a circle has a definite beginning point and an end point...which happens to be the same...I then theorized that the issue may be in the fact that the "base 10" number system may not be the real, natural number system...
One person wrote that although it was chosen by the Romans specifically base upon commerce...that 10 digits is a natural number...occurring on all of the advanced organisms...(fingers and toes, etc) and I should adhere to my own theory and accept "base 10" as THE natural number system...
I still disagree...10 may be the system...but I have yet to see any organism with all of their digits exactly the same length...I think if that happened...we would call that a "freak of nature!"
My point is...and I wrote this...hold your hand out in front of you...every digit is a different length...perhaps the message is...Base 10 is right...but the distances (values) between each varies...and that is the message that nature is sending us...
On the subject of messages...the current nature of "pi" could be taken as a message that we are close to the truth...but because of its non-repeating nature...not dead-on...we simply accept that it is non-repeating and infinite...rather than questioning the nature (validity) of the system from which it is derived...for that I was called a mathematical heretic!
It takes me back to when a professional astronomer and physicist called me a cosmological heretic...and a staunch Six Sigma practitioner called me a pragmatic rogue...
At first I took offense...then I thought about the company that I joined...and started looking for other valid reasons to be called a heretic!
If the foundational nature of things are not questioned...there will be no progress...
It is the Epicurean dilemma!
Many of our arts and sciences are based on concepts that are close...but not dead on!
Mathematicians should be pursuing a finite and simplistic "pi" There will be nothing sweeter and a dessert that is matched by none...(sorry about the analogy!)
Circles are finite in a planer world...and "pi" should be also...
There is a message to be heard from that number...LISTEN!
Anyone want some more "pi?" I am up for it!
Pi? Will I ever see the end of it?