In a previous submission...we discussed the basic political philosophy of our government and how that relates to the 21st century philosopher. There is a difficult balance that must be sought with social responsibility and individual rights and freedoms.
The guiding principal for the individual is ethics and makes everyone a "church."
This makes the goal of the separation of church and state rather difficult...unless there is a realization that an individual has a right to be a "church" (which by my definition is an adherent to a certain set of ethical and moral standards)...has no right to stand in judgement of any other "church" (individual).
The right of and to judgement lies only in the realm of God (an external higher standard, not necessarily a higher being). That is why..."In God we trust..."
The 21st Century philosopher does not have to discover this concept...simply advocate it in a voice that can be heard...our founding fathers have already embedded this within our Constitution...
This drives eliminates prejudice...quells discrimination...and on and on!
You may pose..."The United only one of nearly 200 nations...why should we believe that we have the "better" position?"
The US was and continues to be the "Grand Experiment."
It is not that we are better...but have a foundational philosophy that is dynamic and capable of supporting human rights...
Let the others watch and learn...
The 21st Century philosopher does not have to be American...but should at least be an adherent of this type of philosophy (at minimum) or a better one...
One of the characteristics of the 21st century is its complexity...
This is not an epiphany...just an observation...
Complexity often is an opiate and by its very nature it draws people further from basic truths...
Although people are searching for and refining seems to be growing at a geometrical rate....
As truths are discovered...they are often refined and guarded with "exclusions and exceptions."
Rather than creating truths with qualifiers...we should be working towards refinement in the other direction..that is searching for the basic elements and universal applications. Truth should be getting more simple...not more complex...
In a way...the 21st Century philosopher should be chasing the basics...rather than trying to amass the world's knowledge!
I have yet to find a philosopher in the century that can express the answers with a beauty and elegance similar to the Theory of Relativity...
If answers of this brilliance and universally understanding are to be found in this world...I imagine them to be coming from the 21st century philosopher...
As Einstein reduced the universe's behavior into 5 characters...the philosopher should also...
Yet most that I read are more concerned with sounding intelligent than being understood...
I contend that the true 21st century philosopher is a reductionist!
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