Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Thoughts on Choice

FACT - Beggars Can't be Choosers...Another 21st century need...

Now that is an interesting thought!

Most of the time, I have a "spin" on traditionally accepted axioms...

...This time...I think...I have to agree with it...

The 21st century has to engage with the real meaning of that axiom...

If the members of this society do not engage it...we will end up with a minority working to support the majority...

That would be a sad state of affairs...

The current state is the product of what I have called...the "everyone deserves a trophy" mentality...

I have opposed this from the very beginning...

Adulthood and responsibility means getting what one deserves for their actions and behavior...

Before I jump ahead of myself...let's go that axiom...and show the insanity of entitlement...


Let's start with the definition of what or who is a beggar...

Rather than belabor the point that can be easily made without a long logical dissertation...let's conclude...

A beggar is anyone who is not making a tangible contribution to those who support them...

These are individuals who get something undeserved...

This can happen in a microcosm as small as a couple's relationship, a family or as large as the world itself...

Beggars are individuals who get their needs fulfilled without earning it...

Given that thought...If an individual expects a return larger than the contribution that they make to their world...these individuals also become beggars!  Let me remind you that the contribution must be tangible.

Given the fact that the contribution is tangible, it falls into the realm of net value.  One can not do 3 bad (costly) things and 1 good thing of equal value and expect a return on their contribution.  

Although one would like to be the judge of value...the truth is...the value judgement is external to the contributor,,,

Any compensation in return for the contribution that is of greater value than the contribution is a gift...

Gifts fall into the realm of a beggar's purvey...

What a beggar receives can not be rightfully judged as inappropriate...or inadequate...

...because it is gift...

A gift can be rejected...but...

A gift can not be expected...

and if can not be expected that it will be replaced...

A beggar has a choice to accept or reject the gift...but if the gift relates to fulfilling a need...rejecting the pure insanity...or suicide!

In reality...there is no choice related to a gift provided to fulfill a need...the beggar must accept it...

Therefore there is no choice from that perspective...


Now we need to look at choice itself...

If simply to prove the point from another perspective...

We wrongly believe that the freedom of choice is related to age!

When an individual becomes an adult...they are entitled to the freedom of choice...

If choice is dependent upon one's contribution...(an earned right)...

If an individual is not contributing...they do not have the right to choose!

The contribution is relative to maturity...(the ability to contribute)...

If an individual contributes more...they should be afforded more freedom...those who contribute less are afforded less freedom...for those who do not contribute...they are afforded the basic freedoms or none at all...

In this context, self-determination is not a right...but is earned...and at any given point it is a sum zero proposition...and can be lost through irresponsible behavior or lack of activity that adds value....this falls into the realm of a felony...which will be addressed later...

Interesting thoughts...

Enough Said!



  1. I really like your blog. Keep up the impressive work! Best, Sascha

  2. Sascha! Thank you! More coming! If you have a moment join in and follow the blog...that way you get notified of the new posts! Phil
