Friday, September 17, 2010

Global Responsibility...

I have to rant for a moment or two!  Please forgive me!

I recently read a philosophy blog claiming to have "cracked" the argument for "free will."  It was poorly written and even had major flaws in its logic...elementary flaws...I would be embarrassed to even print it on paper, let alone put it on the Internet for the world to see...I do hope that he is not proud of that work or that he does not go around arguing that case...

I will not provide the link, or even mention this individual's name...he is not a philosopher and like many people who purport to be something and are nothing more than "wanna-bes."  They give good things a bad name...

This blog is written by, what I would call an elementary school philosophy "wanna-be."  He tried to logically develop an argument for freewill.  If I were his professor...I would give him an "F!".  In short, his logic concluded with...since we do not know all of the details necessary for us to totally understand cause and effect...then freewill has to be a valid option.  I bet that he didn't realize that he said...since we are stupid...we have the right to believe in magic!

That is right...all he made was two arguments for stupidity...first that he was arrogant enough to believe that humans are smart enough to know everything to the extent that they fully understand cause and effect.  That was simply an argument for how stupid mankind remains in relation to the universe of knowledge.  He went so far as to quote Einstein out of context and call that an admission that mankind is incapable of understanding all of the details...therefore cause and effect does not exist...

Second his argument itself was so stood as an example of stupidity!

It saddens me to see someone call themselves a philosopher and through their very existence bring a mockery to the science of thought...

A while back when Cray super-computers were the best thing around...a scientist was able to use all of the computing power of a network of Crays without interfering with any of the other work being done with them...HOW? 

He realized that the computational power being used was always in the binary pulses of the clock.  What the rest of the world had missed is that a binary pulse is the movement from 0 to +1 and them it resets from +1 to 0 to do the next calculation.  He began computing in the nulls or voids.  There was an entire world of computation available to him...and he tapped it...if I remember correctly...he used that available resource to calculate "pi" to some extraordinary level of accuracy...that broke some new frontiers for physicists...

That scientist was able to tap into an entire world of computational power because he was not blinded by "fact."  He as able to see the world of the "nulls" and redefine computational power...that world existed before it was discovered...and remains in every PC today!

Before Columbus...(or whoever you want to believe) discovered the new existed...

Many of the weather issues confronting Europe came from the new was an unknown source...that didn't mean that Europe didn't have weather before the discovery of the new world...

Using that prior pseudo-philosophers argument...since we can never calculate "Pi" to its final doesn't exist...

This is not the logic of a philosopher...let alone a 21st century philosopher!

It was a sad case a VERY narrow and works toward a pre-supposed conclusion, rather than looking at the world and learning new things from what we know...

My thought...

One of the characteristics that I see missing from most people that are competing for the 21st Century Philosopher the perspective of Global Citizenship or Responsibility...

We still live in an age that demands global responsibility from its allies and diplomatically handles its enemies.  The laws are rather obscure and non-conformance to them leads to actions that are punitive in nature...monetary sanctions...and ultimately war...

There is no basic and immutable set of global responsibilities.

More so is the lack of recognition that we have progressed beyond simple reward/punishment reactions.

Absolute Determinism

The 21st century philosopher must take into account discoveries from the sciences to ensure a relevant scheme.  It was much more simple to create a philosophical school when the world was narrow and infantile.  Our knowledge of the world around us has become broader and deeper...that puts an entirely new standard on any epistemology.

The simple concept of cause/effect and the discoveries in physics and cosmology along with the human genome project and psychology put philosophy into and entirely new context.  One that is essential to continuous improvement of our society and a step towards future existence...

Consider that fact that all causes and effects determine the physical world as we know it and that there is no other option.

"It is what it is..." becomes a fact...

Since the motion of matter at the moment of creation...there was no other set of options...

Anything that "Matters" (pun somewhat intended) was predetermined...

We delude ourselves into believing that there are options...  

Our present is totally determined by the past...and the future by a combination of the past and the present...

The 21st century philosophy must account for the fact that we are where we at because of the almost infinite chain of cause and effect from the past...

That chain is no isolated and independent....but globally large!

Some of the interactions that created one's make-up may have occurred galaxies away...

The materials within our bodies were created within stars...long dead!

Those atoms made their way into our solar system and on to the earth...and then into your body...

The global fact universal critical...

Our actions and reactions can affect others continents fact...millions of years from now...perhaps life on some other planet!

We are caught within a chain of cause and effect...


I do not know...

I can make a case either way...

I do not know if it long as the decisions that are made are the right ones...

The 21st century philosophy should be less focused upon whether or not freewill exists and more focused upon making the right choices...which I believe are really the only thing a person has an obligation to do...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Poison By Any Other Name Is Still A Poison

I seldom write commentaries related to specific politics...

I believe in integrity...of consistency of behavior related to a foundational set of tenants...but this one hit me hard the other day!

Every American is aware of...President Obama signing into law the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.”

This is not an article touting the benefits of the act or its potential dangers…we’ll leave that to the politicians…

What hit me was the name!

A History Channel moment…

Way back when…men found women with dilated pupils attractive…

Although there may be some interesting psychological discussions about that attraction…this is not about that…

About the same time they found that one of the first symptoms of nightshade poisoning was dilated pupils!  In small quantities the people ingesting poison nightshade exhibited this alluring trait!  Although it sounds diabolical...poison nightshade became a cosmetic drug!

Women were smarter than men thought and wouldn’t take it just to dilate their pupils…until some genius renamed it belladonna!  The interpretation of the word is "beautiful woman"…the reality was that it was belladonna was still poison nightshade! 

However, the name change had the desired effects....because a new name conveyed the message that what was in it was new and harmless too!  Women began taking belladonna (what they were led to believe was a substitute for nightshade) without realizing that it was still the same poison.  

Many died or were physically impaired by this simple medieval marketing ploy.

Fast Forward to the 21st Century…

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will be systematically implemented over the next 10 years.  In 2014 is when the majority of this will hit…even this is a political delay tactic…but we’ll leave this in the hands of the politicians…

The name bothers me…it looks and smells like the poison nightshade conspiracy of the middle ages!

I am not a conspiracy theorist and believe that most so-called conspiracies are the result of paranoia...

I do not want it to come off like I believe that it will lead to the death of America…we’ll leave that to the politicians…who now have to implement it...

It is the words used…”Protection” and “Affordable” bother me.  They are "marketing words" used to make this more appealing to a public that might not wish to ingest the poison that it may contain...these are words that elicit emotions...rather than convey a definitive meaning...

I really would like to know who crafted that name…this person should be put on equal ground with the person who came up with the name belladonna! 

Why am I making such a big deal about this?  It is because things like this reek of deception and dishonesty.  A move to appeal to a mass of people who do not have the time or the ability to read the ingredients of what they are being forced to consume...   

Our politicians are well meaning and although they may aspire to provide “protection” at “affordable” rates…it sounds like a late night commercial by some fly-by-night insurance company…or one of those emails that you get from Nigeria saying that they have 13 million US dollars in a bank account for you.

Call a horse a horse.  Call an apple an apple. A Congressional Act by what it is...

If this is an Act that someone is proud it by the name of the person who sponsored it...if it is truly a legacy...then...

Let’s call this the The President's Citizen Healthcare Act or something that it really is.  It will go down in history...Let's not forget where it came from...

I am tired of marketing…straight-talk is what the American Citizens want and deserve…regardless of political affiliation...let’s hold our politicians to their pledges!  I continue to trust our leaders...  They can step up and put their name on it...  It is their right and obligation...  When you put your name on forces you to a new level of responsibility and performance...  I do not know of any sane person that wants his name to go down in history for a failure...

Enough Said!  

What do you think?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Thoughts on Choice

FACT - Beggars Can't be Choosers...Another 21st century need...

Now that is an interesting thought!

Most of the time, I have a "spin" on traditionally accepted axioms...

...This time...I think...I have to agree with it...

The 21st century has to engage with the real meaning of that axiom...

If the members of this society do not engage it...we will end up with a minority working to support the majority...

That would be a sad state of affairs...

The current state is the product of what I have called...the "everyone deserves a trophy" mentality...

I have opposed this from the very beginning...

Adulthood and responsibility means getting what one deserves for their actions and behavior...

Before I jump ahead of myself...let's go that axiom...and show the insanity of entitlement...


Let's start with the definition of what or who is a beggar...

Rather than belabor the point that can be easily made without a long logical dissertation...let's conclude...

A beggar is anyone who is not making a tangible contribution to those who support them...

These are individuals who get something undeserved...

This can happen in a microcosm as small as a couple's relationship, a family or as large as the world itself...

Beggars are individuals who get their needs fulfilled without earning it...

Given that thought...If an individual expects a return larger than the contribution that they make to their world...these individuals also become beggars!  Let me remind you that the contribution must be tangible.

Given the fact that the contribution is tangible, it falls into the realm of net value.  One can not do 3 bad (costly) things and 1 good thing of equal value and expect a return on their contribution.  

Although one would like to be the judge of value...the truth is...the value judgement is external to the contributor,,,

Any compensation in return for the contribution that is of greater value than the contribution is a gift...

Gifts fall into the realm of a beggar's purvey...

What a beggar receives can not be rightfully judged as inappropriate...or inadequate...

...because it is gift...

A gift can be rejected...but...

A gift can not be expected...

and if can not be expected that it will be replaced...

A beggar has a choice to accept or reject the gift...but if the gift relates to fulfilling a need...rejecting the pure insanity...or suicide!

In reality...there is no choice related to a gift provided to fulfill a need...the beggar must accept it...

Therefore there is no choice from that perspective...


Now we need to look at choice itself...

If simply to prove the point from another perspective...

We wrongly believe that the freedom of choice is related to age!

When an individual becomes an adult...they are entitled to the freedom of choice...

If choice is dependent upon one's contribution...(an earned right)...

If an individual is not contributing...they do not have the right to choose!

The contribution is relative to maturity...(the ability to contribute)...

If an individual contributes more...they should be afforded more freedom...those who contribute less are afforded less freedom...for those who do not contribute...they are afforded the basic freedoms or none at all...

In this context, self-determination is not a right...but is earned...and at any given point it is a sum zero proposition...and can be lost through irresponsible behavior or lack of activity that adds value....this falls into the realm of a felony...which will be addressed later...

Interesting thoughts...

Enough Said!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

The True Loss of Citizenship

Citizenship and Responsibility (An Extremist View that Logically Makes Sense to me)

There exists a confusion about the Rights afforded by the Constitution.  An interesting position found within our Constitution is that if an individual does not adhere to the "major" laws of the state or the federal government and is found guilty, they are convicted of a felony.  If found guilty...they lose the rights of citizenship.  There is an interesting logic...if a person is found guilty of a felony...they are guilty of treason...

With that conviction comes the loss of the rights of a citizen, such as the right to gun ownership, or the right to vote.  In essence, an individual who can not conform to the laws have abdicated their citizenship...ALL RIGHTS AS A CITIZEN.

Over time (perhaps through the influence of situational ethics) the penalties related have been diluted.

Application of Constitutional all honesty...should be that if an individual is felonious, they have intentionally abdicated their citizenship through the commission of a a serious crime against society, unless vindicated...It would be cool to deport them, but that is pawning off "bad-blood" on another country. This is not the point

I believe that the 21st century society needs to go back to basic Constitutional interpretation, in relation to felons (those who by that basic definition, have given up their citizenship) and we (as a society) continue to pay the price for their existence in our society (which should be minimized, because they guests (however unwelcome) and should no longer be afforded any rights as a citizens.

One such thing is the "right" to a speedy trial."  This is afforded to all law-abiding citizens (until convicted), but a felon no longer deserves such a "right."

Another is that a felon (who is no longer a citizen)  has given up his or her "right to a fair trial"...and citizen-like treatment under out law.  A felon should be treated as guilty until proven innocent...putting the burden of evidence upon the felon rather than the government...(thus saving the taxpayer's money for justice to citizens).

Think about a felon being "guilty until they prove that they are innocent"...or...that they get a trial when "we" have time!

Turning the tables and focusing on the responsibilities and rights related to citizenship and the cost related to not fulfilling those responsibilities would have many good downstream effects!

I have to think more about this...but the constitutional perspective is sound...we have simply gotten soft on our interpretation...we may need to go to its full intent to extract all of the brilliance of it...and its creators!

US citizenship, or citizenship for that matter is a membership...and a commitment to abiding by the laws of the society.  It is an exclusive club...with a wide open membership...citizens are obligated by the rules of membership...the government is obligated to uphold those laws in return...

There are more ramifications related to taking this stance...we'll discuss them in the next submission...


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The 21st Century Philosopher - A Reductionist?

In a previous submission...we discussed the basic political philosophy of our government and how that relates to the 21st century philosopher.  There is a difficult balance that must be sought with social responsibility and individual rights and freedoms.

The guiding principal for the individual is ethics and makes everyone a "church."

This makes the goal of the separation of church and state rather difficult...unless there is a realization that an individual has a right to be a "church" (which by my definition is an adherent to a certain set of ethical and moral standards)...has no right to stand in judgement of any other "church" (individual). 

The right of and to judgement lies only in the realm of God (an external higher standard, not necessarily a higher being).  That is why..."In God we trust..."

The 21st Century philosopher does not have to discover this concept...simply advocate it in a voice that can be heard...our founding fathers have already embedded this within our Constitution...

This drives eliminates prejudice...quells discrimination...and on and on!

You may pose..."The United only one of nearly 200 nations...why should we believe that we have the "better" position?"

The US was and continues to be the "Grand Experiment."

It is not that we are better...but have a foundational philosophy that is dynamic and capable of supporting human rights...

Let the others watch and learn...

The 21st Century philosopher does not have to be American...but should at least be an adherent of this type of philosophy (at minimum) or a better one...


One of the characteristics of the 21st century is its complexity...

This is not an epiphany...just an observation...

Complexity often is an opiate and by its very nature it draws people further from basic truths...

Although people are searching for and refining seems to be growing at a geometrical rate....

As truths are discovered...they are often refined and guarded with "exclusions and exceptions."

Rather than creating truths with qualifiers...we should be working towards refinement in the other direction..that is searching for the basic elements and universal applications.  Truth should be getting more  simple...not more complex...

In a way...the 21st Century philosopher should be chasing the basics...rather than trying to amass the world's knowledge!


I have yet to find a philosopher in the century that can express the answers with a beauty and elegance similar to the Theory of Relativity...

If answers of this brilliance and universally understanding are to be found in this world...I imagine them to be coming from the 21st century philosopher...

As Einstein reduced the universe's behavior into 5 characters...the philosopher should also...

Yet most that I read are more concerned with sounding intelligent than being understood...

I contend that the true 21st century philosopher is a reductionist!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Who's in Control?

Man has sought control over his destiny since the very beginning...

Maslow recognized that the survival instinct is at the very base of our existence...

Across the ages this has been one of the compelling questions...and it continues to be today

Some end with a complete abdication of control to a higher entity...while others have given full responsibility to the individual...

After some thought I believe that the middle road is applicable to the 21st century!

Let's look into the the life cycle of a single understand why I have come to this conclusion... 

At the moment of birth, a human has absolutely no control...

This quickly changes...the infant discovers that they can get fed or have discomforts eased through crying!

Crying actually causes the mother to produce milk!

This need of control (which is self-serving) does not subside as the infant fact it expands...(all for self-serving purposes)

We recognize this as individuals trying to "spread their wings"...

At some point in the maturity process...the child believes that they have sufficient control and they leave the protection of their parents...

It is at that point that many realize that the control that they thought they had...was an illusion...

It was not that they lost control upon leaving...but that they no longer lived under a umbrella or protection that shielded them from the consequences of misguided control or poor decisions!

Let's stop here for a few sentences and step get a better understanding of control...

Control is an interesting concept...

Most believe that control is defined as the ability to make choices...and the timing of said choices...

In its most basic form...this is true...(we'll come back to this)

I, however, have a tendency to start by reducing or limiting control or choices by referring to Plato's logic...

For the sake of brevity...this argument is available in Plato's Republic...

His conclusion was..."We are free to only do the good..."

Freedom (hence control) for any activity, other than not really freedom (control)...

I prefer to begin at this point, because it already reduces the control (freedom) that we have...

Having said that...let's go into what I was thinking...

Control and freedom are closely related...

In fact, when freedom too does control...

Control (as previously, but briefly stated) is in three separate categories...

What one does...
How well one does what they choose to do...AND...
When, what one chooses to do, is done

What one does...

The "what" has been answered by Plato!

Plato concludes that one is free (in control) only when they are doing "good."

I have to add that there may be a few instances in which the "what" does not affect anything external to the individual exercising control...and then full control is with that individual...(this needs a bit more thought and discussion).

How well one does what they choose to do...

As previously stated...unless the "what" one is doing affects only the person doing it...which is seldom the case...the "How well one does it" is determined externally from the do'er!

This is important because the first part of understanding the middle road conclusion is found here!

The only time that the do'er has control over "how well it is done" is when the internal or personal standard of performance meets or exceeds that of the external standard.

What that means that the "good" is defined initially by those externally affected by the choice and it remains the standard of performance...unless the standard of performance on the individual (doing the choosing) is higher than and exceeds that of the external...   

This opens up another discussion that will be pursued at a later time (pertaining to the definition of good).

It is a logical conclusion that the do'er has abdicated control...if their standard is less than the external standard...because their choice of how well it is done...

For someone to say "that is the way I do it" as an excuse for substandard immature and moving towards the standard definition of social insanity...

Interesting thought...isn't it...

One is rightly free to "be a unique individual" (have control) only when they can perform beyond the level of expectations of "the rule makers!"

Now let's move to the final area of control...

"When (the timing of ) the choice is done..."

Using the previous logic...

An individual has full control of their behavior prior to the point of expected delivery of results...from the external standard...

That means that as long as a person is "ahead of schedule"...they have full control over "when they do it..."

This changes however...and...

They again abdicate control after the time of delivery (by the external expectation) is at this point that they can no longer "call the shots!"

At that point...the external standard gets full control!

Another interesting thought!

So let's now draw this all into a single scheme...

What does this all mean to us?

Control is fully in an individuals arena prior to the external expected standard...

delivery...and if the individual's standard of performance is higher than the external standard...

If an individual is trying attempting to exercise control their life...their performance standards need to be shifted higher and sooner than the external expectations...

If they do not shift their personal performance standards...they can not expect to have control...because by definition they have abdicated it to the external standard...

Interesting thought...and enough said on this series of thoughts...

Across the ages...their have been numerous skeptics that put control into the hands of "entities," secret organizations, or conspiracies...or in the hands of God or "the gods."

This means that they abdicated control to these entities (real or unreal)

Rather than recognizing that control can be maintained by ascribing to a higher standard...than the perceived external source...

The paranoia of conspiracy internally their "sub-standards!"

Now this leads me to another aspect that is interesting and somewhat related!


Individuals, especially the immature, desire to do what they want (control) and not have to suffer the consequences for their decisions...

A great case in point...teenagers!

I want to play rather than study...

A VERY hedonistic and emotionally immature behavior...

Our teen in question plays rather than studies...with total disregard to the outcome...

Then when the grades come out...they do not want the consequences...another emotionally immature behavior


They make excuses...


They want the external entities to forgive them...or "cut the slack."

Many are not willing to expend the additional effort in the present to rectify what their past decision predicated...

This is the recourse related to seeing that control has a dual nature...and that there is a definite point at which control is intentionally or unintentionally abdicated...

Many times individuals are not able to (or intentionally refuse to) see many related outcomes related to abdicating control...

Bad auto insurance discount...

The external entities refuse to pay non-discounted insurance rates...when the choice for good grades was in control of the individual... the individual who abdicated control...needs to get a job to offset the cost of their decision to play rather than do homework...

The immature conclusion would be to want an external entity to make it all better for them...

Our society has called the behavior of the external entity "tough love."  It is actually the logical and right response...

Many enablers would simply abdicate their responsible control in reverse to an undeserving individual by paying the insurance premiums...

I have ridden this horse to death!

"Who is in control?" is an interesting 21st century concept.

There is control for the individual...but there is also a point of abdication.

Claiming total control or total lack of control are positions at the extreme ends of the philosophical spectrum...and not representative of reality or functional within our societies...

Enough said...for now!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The 21st Century Philosopher - Simplicity and Elegance

We live in a complex world.  There is no denying that.  What I realize is that the complexity is not part of nature, but part of human nature...and of our own doing.

Complexity increases the probability of failure...and we can come to the logical conclusion that we are building failure into our society.

In my search for the 21st Century Philosopher, I have looked for a "back to basics" proponent that drills to the essence of the issues and cuts away all of the distractions from reality...

Isn't that what a true philosopher is all about?

There is a lesson that can be heard from our Nation's Founding Fathers...that, if you follow the echos back to their source...was in our entry level Political Philosophy...or Ethics courses...

It was a quiet sound...that should have been significantly louder...perhaps we would not be in the fray...if it were louder!

Our "Founders" recognized the importance of simplicity and built our government upon that...over time our society has lost touch with that concept...

Let me explain...with a few examples...

Ensuring individual liberty and freedom is at the foundation of our government...but this is a double-edged sword...

There is a temptation to become moralistic and judgemental...(this is the serrated side) while we promote those basic human rights...

We can not stand in moral judgement or contempt...and simply pursue Life...liberty and the pursuit of happiness...

Our Founders differentiated between society's right to liberty and freedom and the individual's right...


Through our legal system...

They established a legal system based upon taxation...not moral or ethical judgement...

They subtly recognized that there is no place for morality or ethics within the government...

This is judgemental and it will lead to the destruction of the society...

Morality and ethics is an individual concern...

You can do whatever you think will make you happy...there is simply a price for your doing that here...

We will not judge whether it makes you a good person or a bad person...for what you have done...

That is the separation of church and state...plain and

"Church" the epitomy of and all about morality and ethics...ultimately does not have to be an organized religion to be a church...simply the exercise of judgement...on ethical or moral grounds...

Prayer in church can be long as one does not pass moral judgement on those who refuse to pray...

Upholding a society's liberty and freedom...means that everyone is free to do anything that they want to do...

But how do you reconcile a society's right and an individual right?

Through the cost/benefit equation!

Through taxation...
A person is free to do anything that they want to long as they are willing to pay the price (Tax) for their decisions and behaviors!

There is no judgement of "rightness" or "wrongness" ethical or moral judgement...just a cost...

People can steal, or lie or murder in our society...whatever makes you long as they weigh the cost related to the benefits of doing so...and are willing to pay the price...

AGAIN...If it makes them happy (the pursuit of happiness) they can do it in our society...but they have to pay the tax...

Motive...doesn't matter...motive precludes judgement...

It is simply a matter of..."Showing that a person did something beyond a reasonable doubt..."

Why doesn't matter...REALLY!  Did you do it?  Then, here is the cost...

It doesn't make then any lesser for doing so...that would be a judgement...and we do not need that!

Laws that were passed within our society based on moral or ethical stances have failed...or have become extremely difficult to enforce...they are complicated and based upon many exceptions...

They have become the complexity...that can lead to destruction...that is sad...

Our founding fathers recognized that ethics and morality are poison to governments and worked diligently to establish a government free from judgement!

We have misused it...

Not just over time...but from the start!
Very early in our history...we got distracted and enacted laws that were ethical and attempt to restrict behavior that some were not willing to stop...

This caused a whisky rebellion...

And it wasn't that the government stood in judgement...they simply enacted a tax without representation!

Later...prohibition became a moralistic law...that quickly lead to review...they learned their lesson...

Over time many laws have been enacted that run counter to our foundation and rather than saying "whoops"

...We piled exception after exception...allowing the courts to decide...rather than just saying we made a mistake! and simply starting over...

The Supreme Court exists to uphold the judge whether a law is moralistic...been enacted with representation...and aligns with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...

The judges' jobs could be VERY easy if we went back to basics...and our law books could be significantly reduced...

The 21st Century Philosopher needs to be a vocal advocate of basics and simplicity...and a person listened to by our government...

America is a shining light in the often dark, global was and remains the "Grand Experiment"

We do not need to stand in judgement...

Just decide what the cost related to certain behaviors...both internally and externally to our society, tax accordingly and stick to the is about enforcement...not enactment!

We do not have to make moralistic or ethical judgements on another country or individual...just a simple...if you want to do is OK...but the cost is...and then we do whatever we have to to ensure that the cost is paid!

You can attack us if you want...but the price that you pay is...

I realize that this is splitting hairs...and our society appears to be doing this...

I am simply looking for the philosopher who sees this and does something to help us go back to what made us a machine!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Understanding Time (General and Quantum Perspectives)

We move through life at a rate of 1 second per second (1sec/sec).

This is an interesting statement when taken in the context of the theory of relativity...

Most people can not grasp the significance of E=MC2.  It turned scientific thought on its end!

The speed of light is a constant...which means that if you were traveling at the speed of light and turned on a would still work...


Because the world around light varies!  Distance, time, mass adjust accordingly.

Traditional physics held many of those components constant...meaning that they didn't change...

The theory of relativity and its confirmation tests says that the world around it adjusts to the light perspective...this is mind boggling...

This is most evident in the "warping" of space...

As light approaches a slows...but because it is a constant...the distance traveled actually maintain the constant that the stationary calculation still appears the same...

Early tests using an eclipse showed that the light from stars bent...based on the apparent change in the stars' positions.

The comparison of two atomic clocks one moving and one stationary...showed that time actually changed...

Radio waves bounced off of the planet Mercury, as it moved behind the sun (in relationship to the earth) and the subsequent calculation of its orbit...showed that the planet's orbit appeared to jump outward...significantly...the change in apparent distance to account for the speed change...

Every time the theory is put to the shows it is accurately describing the general nature of the universe...

Yet time intrigues me...

If the world acts on a continuum with the speed of light as the one has the same time...except two individuals standing perfectly motionless next to each other...and then there still is a small difference relative to the rotation of the earth...

Enter quantum physics...

it is the world of probabilities...and not of continuum...

it is a world of sub-atomic particles...that are temporal (existing for a moment and then gone)...

I find this an interesting thought...

Perhaps this puts time and reality into better perspective...

There have been many different attempts to put time and reality into perspective...

There have been the theories on multiple dimensions...

and strings...

and time travel...

But in quantum physics...reality exists for but a moment...

Think about the future...there are endless possibilities...probabilities...

Reality exists as a momentary accumulation of the quantum particles in a specific "probability"

And then it is gone (Past)

The future is all of the possibilities...but has no substance or reality...

The present is the combination and accumulation of those particles for that brief moment that quarks exist...

and then they fade and disappear...and become nothing more than a memory...

What this means that time travel is not possible...

Going back into the past...can't happen...the particles are gone...

The future...the particles have not yet combined and accumulated...

The significance it that what matters is the present...and the probabilities of the future...

This can be had with complete non-contradiction with the general theory of relativity...and answers the issues that arise relative to time and space...

Time and space...another interesting concept...

I love the thought of "warp"...

Mass warps the universe...but I believe that it is meager in comparison to the warp that occurs at the speed of light...

Although I am hypothesizing...

There is no distance at the speed of light...hence the universe become planer...perhaps better said...a point!

Transversing the entire universe with light takes no time at all...because there is no distance...

Mass and apparent gravity...are detractors from the real cool things!

I have to think about this...but I am considering that the "Big Bang" may not have been a "Bang" at all!

We have put the Big Bang in a mass and acceleration perspective...that is what a Bang is all about...

The twist may have been simply the interjection of light into the equation...or time...

And then what appeared is apparent distances...and the apparent fact that all of the stars are moving outward...(red shift)

And an apparent size of the universe of 15 billion light-years...when if fact...

There is no distance at all...

Just a rate of travel of 1sec/sec...


Monday, March 29, 2010

The 21st Century Philospher - An Engineer?

Let's do a bit of philosophy 100...

As I search for the 21st century philosopher and the criteria required to bestow that honor to a deserving individual...

In the past, many "philosphers" were scientists...or at least they pursued answers to the question "Why?"

Which is what a scientist does best...

Often, this required a significant level of bravery because their discoveries went counter to the society's beliefs.

Society need answers to "Why?" more than anything can be likened to a child's journey to adulthood...

The pursuit of "Why?" was significantly more important at that point in time to the progression of society than the application of the knowledge...

Past philosophers sought knowledge...yet the essence of philosophy is not on knowledge...but on the application of knowledge to the benefit of society...

To me and to you there is a self-evident conclusion...the 21st century must be focused on "What?" 

Perhaps better stated..."So What?" or...

The value proposition of the application of knowledge to society's benefit...

When we enter the realm of "application of fact"...we move from science to engineering...which to me is an interesting thought...

A philosopher is the ultimate social engineer...who takes the discoveries (either made by himself or by others)...collides them with the social needs...controls the collision with ethics and moral concepts.

The ultimate philosopher works in all three worlds...but primarily in the realm of guided application...

Consistency, coherency...and non-contridiction...(The 3-C's)

Those astute in philosophy know that I have stated nothing other than the true meaning of philosophy...

I believe that we have to have this understanding in the forefront of our order to find that individual...

It can not be an after-thought...

The 21st century philosopher, in this sense is an engineer...a global engineer...that will take the answers to the many "Whys?" assess their immutability and create a set of recommendations for action that maintain absolute adherence to the "3-C's."

So has the search for the 21st century philosopher been too narrow?

Do I need to expand it beyond "Nobel Laureates" to the engineering world?


Do we look in the streets among those discerning and "simple" people who apply what they know...make change in the world...or at least the part that matters...

Real impact will not be found in people who call themselves "initiators"...but by those who are "do'ers"

It is easy to sit back and tell others to "what to do"

It is much more difficult to stand up and work anything to its conclusion...

Anyone can start a marathon...fewer can run  it to the finish line...

Those are the courageous people and this concept needs to stand as one of the selection criteria...

Perhaps not just for that specific 21st century hero...but for all of us...

Because if that is not an inherent trait...society is destined for degradation...  

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some Things Change...

There is a thematic line in the movie "Matrix - Revolutions" that resounds...but is often ignored because of its superficial appearance...

It is repeated between Morpheus and Naomi and appears to be a jaded communication  between the two related to their past relationship...and its current state...

One of the two says..."Some things never change..."

...and the other responds..."and some things do..."

This concept however goes significantly deeper than that of a relationship, when taken in the perspective of the 21st century philosopher...

Consider that 21st fact every century...(I am not using the time period but referring to eras within the human condition) a symphony.

A good symphony has a basic theme...that prevails subtly throughout the entire piece.  The beauty of a symphony is found in the variations on the theme...some of those variations are expected and the listener is "elated" by the fact that they predicted the variant...others are totally unexpected...and delight the listener by the surprise!

The 21st century is not unlike a one of the variants within an ongoing human symphony...but just one of the variants...

When we look at this variant...we notice that the tempo has increased...perhaps to a point that the underlying theme nearly disappears...

Despite the fact that that it is is still there!

"Some things never change...and some things do..."

Finding that theme and it variants...has been the challenge of anthropologist, theologians, psychologists, philosophers...and more...throughout the ages...

It remains the greatest challenge for the 21st century philosopher...

The challenge is however complicated by the tempo and volume of the current existence...

Acuity must be honed and the themes found before the tempo changes and other elements added to create additional variation into the equation by the GREAT CONDUCTOR!

Rest assured that the theme is is just clouded by the pace and shear size of the 21st century orchestra!

The 21st century philosopher should be striving to find the purity of the theme...and cut through the nosie...not rejecting it as meaningless...but identifying it as an artistic addition that enhances the beauty of the symphony...and passes as quickly as the tastes of the 21st century audience...


"Some things change...and some things never do!"

This submission is short and sweet!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Multi-verse and the Right to Philosophize...

I recently received an email that questioned my right and ability to philosophize. 

"Who are you to challenge the way things are...?" it said...

"Just what do you know about philosophy anyway...?"

Interesting questions!

There is a long and a short answer to these questions...

I choose the shorter journey and will rely on the reader's ability to draw conclusions...

Let's begin with the most influential high school teacher that I had...

Name of the MANY degrees that she held was a PhD in Philosophy...

She took me under her wing and taught me philosophy during my most formative years...philosophy became part of my DNA...

In college...(I have a degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies by the way) I studied under many of that times most influential Philosophers...A Hume Advocate...a Eastern Philosopher whose son has gone on to teach history at a prestigious university...a renowned Logician...I could drop names...but this would only be for my edification...

Although the classes and discussions were enlightening...I found the MANY hours that we spent before and after deep discussion much more formative...

I could tout credentials...but my short answer is...

I had an INTEREST...I cultivated that interest (with the help and guidance of others) into a PASSION...and over the past 30 years...turned it into a TALENT...

The right to philosophize is not a right given by a degree...or by achieving some level of publication...but through the relevance of the questions that they ask and the answers that they obtain...

On that and that alone do I exercise my right to philosophize...

Enough Said!


The "multi-verse" has again reared it head!  For those who have not pondered the is simply the concept that every logical and illogical possibility exists in the "sum-total universe."  Our existence is simply one variation of all of the "strings" (I use that term loosely) that actually exist.

It is an interesting concept...that makes our existence much less meaningful...we are simply one of an infinite number of mathematical (infinite) possibilities...that are not theoretical...but actual...and just as real...or unreal...

I enjoy this makes for great conversations at dinner and cocktail parties.  But I have little confidence that it would make meaningful and significant differences in science or humanity...WHY?

Because understanding that there are other "existences" does not provide a deeper understanding of our "existence.

The 21st century philosophers and scientists need to maintain focus on deeper understanding and insight into our dimension...

Let those who exist in those other "strings" worry about their "strings!"  In fact one possibility it that they do not care about it at all!  LOL!

My interest in the multi-verse was peaked when I tried to put it into perspective relative to my concept of a finite "Pi."  As I considered the multi-verse, I concluded that we may simply be the place where "Pi" has no end...and then my quest for finite "Pi" is fruitless...on the other hand...we may be the universe that has lost touch with the REAL number system and is destined to flounder in our own stupidity...


We may be the universe that suddenly becomes enlightened by the inconsistencies of our current mathematics and bring the finite "Pi" into existence!

This is where the multi-verse shines!  We do not know...

We can have a fatalistic view of existence...or

We can consider the possibilities...and choose the direction that we want this universe to travel!

Consider that!

Your work and thoughts and efforts...can have universal impacts...that not only effects our own existence...but all of the other existences as well...

Perhaps this universe is significantly more "ethnocentric" than we realize!

Enough Said!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Hidden (or Ignored) Flaw in 21st Century's Social Fabric...

Although I am tempted to devour another piece of "Pi," we'll resist the temptation for the moment and begin a discussion on a much more "elemental" topic...

After we have exhausted this subject we may again be hungry for some more "Pi"!

At some point in every generation..."it finds its cause"...somehow the flaws of its fabric...became evident and its members rose to the occasion and made the necessary changes and often "re-wove" the foundational tenants of its belief system...taking itself to the next level...

Case in point...the 1960's has been called a turbulent decade...why?

...because of the struggle that this generations had in coming to grips with racial was attacked from every angle...

yet that generation and its philosophers rose to the need and slowly and systematically repaired the situation... fact...racial inequality (in the US) is a passe topic...

...some may argue the opposite...but this argument is now definitional...and not behavioral...

I point to the fact that it is widely held that racial prejudice is WRONG...immoral and unethical...the fabric has changed...there are laws in place to punish those who believe and act differently...

This generation (the 21st century) too has flaws in its fabric...

...the most destructive one is a virus that runs rampant through it...and like a great virus...this one has may be the proverbial HIV of humanity's' moral and ethical structure...there may not be a cure! 

In its very structure is built an evil self preservation mechanism...

There remains a few that are uninfected (unaffected) by it...and they will readily tell you that this is a devastating disease... is only these people who can see the extent to which this virus is destroying society...

The rest of the world needs to and give heed to their opinions...and suggestions for rectification...

The 21st century philosophy needs to address this most basic tenant of order for us to regain our position...and more importantly...shore the foundation upon which we can build a more advanced society...

Have you seen it yet?

Let's take a brief but valuable detour on this help clear any haze in our mutual understanding...

Even prior to the formal establishment of the American government, an American legal system was established...

The foundation of the system can be succinctly identified with..."Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth...?"

A person's words were considered sacred...and a person held their words (what they said) in the highest regard...

Personal integrity and honesty and full disclosure meant more to an individual that any crime that they could commit!

If the accused person was put on "the stand" and asked if they was worse to lie than to admit to the murder...

As a result...a person's right to refuse to answer a question...for fear of self-incrimination was imposed and upheld in the highest courts!

Perjury was a rare occurrence!

The tables have turned...

A person's words are meaningless and hollow...

Precious court and judicial time is wasted building cases...validating honesty...and testing the integrity of the witnesses...WHY?

Because a person is just as capable of lying, as they are to tell the truth...

The flaw in the fabric is our lack of social and individual honesty and integrity...

It has permeated our society to the extent that people make a lot of money...separating fact from fiction...truth from lies!  That is sad!

The 21st century demands transparency...

The 21st century and its internet promotes truth...despite its attraction to hype!

Truth and transparency will become the battle cry and probably the determining factor in American politics...

American business and advertising needs to step up to the challenge of truth and transparency...

The American society needs to demand it and expect nothing less...

CEOs can no longer work with hidden agendas...

Perjury has to have significantly more dire consequences than any of the crimes that the convicted is accused!

The moral and ethical fabric of this society is flawed...and we are to blame...

We have ignored "hedging the truth"

We have accepted "white lies"

Our acceptance to those things which were not the truth and anything but the whole truth has set us on a costly path of moral and ethical degradation...

It is not too late to turn this ship...

Enough said!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another Piece of "Pi"

I think that we have happened upon a topic that is worth pursuing!

I have been inundated with and replying to numerous email responses to the original "pi" blog...

...not since my discussion of the effects that "gravitational lensing" potentially has on the entire science of astronomy and cosmology have I been so challenged...(if you are interested in reviewing those thoughts...let me know and I'll either dig them up or rewrite them)  The interesting thing is...if you accept gravitational lensing...then you have admitted that all observational astronomy may be an illusion...and the universe can be created by as few as 5 stars!  Everything we see may be simply the same star over and over!

The same issue holds true in mathematics...

But allow me to regress...

The Epicureans (I believe) were known for taking a single concept and building consistent, coherent and non-contradictory epistemological scheme around it.  They believed that the world's truths can be found in those 3-C's.  They were on to something...but many of the epistemologies although perfect in describing the world were based on an initial flawed concept...(look at how they described retrograde motion of having them circle (spiral) in their orbits...the basic problem that they had was...that the earth was not at the center of the universe...yet their schema worked perfectly!

People that disagreed with their perfect definitions were labeled heretics...which then carried into this age!  (more to come on that subject)

In the previous article...I noted that "pi" should be a finite number...a circle has a definite beginning point and an end  point...which happens to be the same...I then theorized that the issue may be in the fact that the "base 10" number system may not be the real, natural number system...

One person wrote that although it was chosen by the Romans specifically base upon commerce...that 10 digits is a natural number...occurring on all of the advanced organisms...(fingers and toes, etc) and I should adhere to my own theory and accept "base 10" as THE natural number system...

I still disagree...10 may be the system...but I have yet to see any organism with all of their digits exactly the same length...I think if that happened...we would call that a "freak of nature!"

My point is...and I wrote this...hold your hand out in front of you...every digit is a different length...perhaps the message is...Base 10 is right...but the distances (values) between each varies...and that is the message that nature is sending us...

On the subject of messages...the current nature of "pi" could be taken as a message that we are close to the truth...but because of its non-repeating nature...not dead-on...we simply accept that it is non-repeating and infinite...rather than questioning the nature (validity) of the system from which it is derived...for that I was called a mathematical heretic!

It takes me back to when a professional astronomer and physicist called me a cosmological heretic...and a staunch Six Sigma practitioner called me a pragmatic rogue...

At first I took offense...then I thought about the company that I joined...and started looking for other valid reasons to be called a heretic!

If the foundational nature of things are not questioned...there will be no progress...

It is the Epicurean dilemma!

Many of our arts and sciences are based on concepts that are close...but not dead on!

Mathematicians should be pursuing a finite and simplistic "pi"  There will be nothing sweeter and a dessert that is matched by none...(sorry about the analogy!)

Circles are finite in a planer world...and "pi" should be also...

There is a message to be heard from that number...LISTEN!

Anyone want some more "pi?"  I am up for it!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Pi" is NOT an Infinitely Repeating Decimal!

I was reflecting on "pi" and its history and its infinite quality and came upon an interesting thought.

I have always been intrigued with "pi" for some strange reason that I can not rationalize.  It may simply be the fact that it is a non-repeating decimal that from a human's perspective is unattainable. 

Many years ago. I came upon a simple and compact program that was capable of calculating "pi" in its continuous nature...unrestricted by the computer's limitations.  It was interesting.  At first the numbers spewed out.  (I had it hooked to a printer)  Page after page printed out with the non-repeating series of numbers.  After a while, it slowed while the calculation struggled to calculate the next digit.  In fact, seconds turned to minutes, then into hours, then into days, and weeks...and months...

When I moved from one home to another, I painstakingly created a power source and transfered the computer from one place to another...just so that the computer's work could continue uninterrupted!  It was an interesting conversation piece...many of the super computers of the time had calculated the string far beyond what my meager PC did...but I loved hearing the "zip" of the "dot-matrix" printer in the middle of the night and periodically looked at the continuous feed paper...hoping for a new digit...

After a few years, the "conversation piece" died and it quit...and my thoughts went on to other more pressing topics...

In the book "Contact" a message...actually a blueprint for a machine was hidden within "pi."  Once decoded, a traveler was able to move across the universe (transcend it) and meet with higher intelligence.  That is quite "sci-fi" from my perspective...but there may be a message embedded within "pi" that we humans miss because it is glaring us in the face...

Let's dig deeper into that thought...

As of late, I have been considering the role that human arrogance has played the shape of our scientific understanding of the world around us.  It suddenly became apparent that even our number system (base 10) is a form of human arrogance.

We have a binary system and an octal system and a hex system and so on...but all of them are converted into decimal for our own understanding...

We chose the decimal has not chosen is contrived and may very well be at the base of the infinite nature of "pi."

The decimal system is an invention of man...and we have accepted it the structure in which we can accurately describe the world.  The decimal system may not be the number system of the universe!  As a result we have skewed our perception based upon that which is missed or rejected by the decimal system itself.

I have no answer to this problem...but do want us to consider that in order to make quantum leaps within knowledge...we must change the way that we look at things!

We have limited (restricted) ourselves to the limitations of the decimal system and as long as we describe the world around us in decimal terms...will be limited to this filter.  In the decimal world..."pi" is a repeating number...perhaps in the REAL number system of the is one of the simpliest and pure constants to be had!

It is our arrogance as humans that shape and limit our ability to percieve the world and not the opposite.  The universe is open and be discovered within its own terms...and its true number system...